About Me

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh. I am affiliated with the Behavioral Economics Design Initiative (BEDI) at the University of Pittsburgh and the Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE) at the University of Pennsylvania. I am a recipient of the University of Pittsburgh's K. Leroy Irvis Fellowship and Andrew Mellon Fellowship. I am a U.S. and Austrian dual-citizen and a member of  the American and European Economic Associations. I have received over $75k in competitive fellowship and grant support for my research.

I previously worked as a research assistant at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in Washington, D.C.,  and volunteered as a tax preparer and high school math tutor. I graduated from Swarthmore College with honors in economics and psychology.

In my free time, I am a classically trained singer and a volunteer member of the Mendelssohn Choir (the choir of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra). In D.C. I sang as a member of the nationally-known Cathedral Choral Society on a recording of Alexander Kastalsky's Requiem for Fallen Brothers which was nominated for a 2021 GRAMMY for Best Choral Performance. I recently completed the Philadelphia half- and Pittsburgh full- marathons and play chess and tennis recreationally. Feel free to contact me at daniel.bankoferran@gmail.com.

Additional Links:


Department Profile




Google Scholar 



Some Figures From My Work

Interactive Web App I Made


I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh. 

I work in the fields of health, labor, and behavioral economics and utilize empirical methods and experiments in my research. 

Job Market Paper (Updated draft coming soon!)


Additional Links:

Teaching Statement

Resarch Statement

Department Webpage


Google Scholar

JOE Profile

Presenting at the Economic Science Association World Meeting at MIT in 2022.

Download my research statement here

Attention Cost of Unfair Treatment (JMP)

My research primarily focuses on the causal identification of non-monetary factors which negatively impact productivity and well-being. I utilize a broad set of applied and experimental data collection methods, including laboratory/online experiments, field surveys, and administrative data, to study the mechanisms behind these adverse responses.

Working Papers

Works in Progress

Policy Reports

Media Coverage: Mayor's Office Press Release; The Philadelphia Inquirer; WHYY; Swarthmore College

Other Publications

Assisted With:

Research Assistantships

Presenting at the Pitt Grad Expo in 2022. I received the prize for Outstanding Presenter.

Download my teaching statement here